kono Pink no Buta ( pink pig )...a phrase stuck in my head after watching eps 3 of yama onna Tabe onna (mountain woman Wall woman). Its a funny drama if you like watching japanese drama etc. watch it on crunchyroll.com. Ohh i think i found a great game to play to pass time when i am bored at the studio ... its called hackey sack? i just need to buy one of those now. Anyways here are some life drawings i did over the 2 weeks. Some of em the proportions fall of or things shrink etc but overall it still looks descent. Also here is a digital tools assignment i'll be handing in this Wednesday. For this assignment we had to design our own character and color it and add 3 textures. Two friends of mine wanted to do some Golem designs, fire golem, ice golem etc... so i decided to join in and do one also. At first i was thinking of doing electrical golem but that doesnt make too much sense... the whole idea of a golem being all electric type and what not... So i decided to go with Neutral type golem, something associated with nature feeling. the actual drawing took like 50 mins or so but the coloring part was challenging which took like 10 hrs or so. As i was painting this, in my head i was screaming " when will this end !!" " This is Madness !" "Shimatta !! " but on the outside i had a totally calm look lol. alright.... Ja Mata.
Original line art ( wanna color lol ? let me know if you attempted, i wanna see ^^)
Nature Golem ( 10 - 11 hrs spent jeez...)
2mins - 30 secs
5mins - 10 mins
lol this one looked funny upside down
warrior pose ? "i'll show you the way of my kung fu !" (just imagine him saying those words)